Tag: handcuffs

More Lycra, with hand and legcuffs…

One of my mates, says I am doing way, way to much cycling. So he put hand and leg cuffs on me while out cycling. And took my bike off me, then told me to walk home like that…

Well OK, maybe not! But it would have made a HOT story! But doubt, I could walk 3+ miles home in the leg cuffs!! Also would get some right funny looks! LOL!

Then I would not care! Life is for having fun! So have fun, while you still can! That’s why, I am very open about the things I enjoy and don’t really care, what people say!

Lycra + handcuffs!

Peterborough Greyhounds : Children In Need 2013

Every year at the Peterborough Greyhounds we dress up for Children In Need. This year we are did Cops and Robbers. I believe we raised £874.29. I will leave you with some photos from the evening.

More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/england/peterboroughgreyhounds/cin-2013/

May’s 2012 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website during May 2012.

Number 1 (123 views) : PBK Team Long Sleeve Skinsuit + HJC ZF-10 Karlie helmet

Number 2 (116 views) : Rutland Water

Number 3 (112 views) : RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit

Friday – 15th November 2002

It’s been a very good today. David and me met up with one of his friends that he has been speaking to on the net for a number of weeks. His name is Damian, he came from Manchester by train to see us.

David cooked us both lunch, we had pasta and chicken. Then we all went into Liverpool City centre to have a long look around the shops. There was lots of very nice things in the shops, but for once David and me were both good, and ended up not getting anything.

Then like last evening, I had fun taken photos of my David. This time I took photos of him in my sexy white cycling top. Better still I even got him handcuffed while wearing it. Then after taken the photos, we had some fun!!