About time, I posted this video again! All them HOT lads in Lycra!!
WOW, just WOW!
I doubt, I need to say why I find this video HOT!! Two cute lads wrestling in Lycra, is just so HOT!
Harry Judd wrestling in Lycra singlet
Doubt you can watch this video with out getting a bit wee… something on… Yes watching Harry Judd dance around in Lycra is super HOT!
Screen dumps : Save Olympic Wrestling – Duke Wrestling
Here are some screen dumps from the “Save Olympic Wrestling – Duke Wrestling” video. After watching this video, I so need to get myself a sexy wrestling singlet. Just not so sure I have the arms for it! I would also need to get wrestling boots, something sexy about them! Then of course do a vlog wearing the gear :).
Save Olympic Wrestling – Duke Wrestling
OMG I love this video! It’s got lots of hot lads in Lycra. Which of course, you all know I love. But after watching it, I do believe Wrestling should be kept as an Olympics sport!!