Tag: wishlist

Thanks for 4K Blu-rays!!

Big, big thanks to person that’s so far ordered me, not one, but two 4K Blu-rays off my amazon wishlist! At first, I was not sure you would really notice going from HD to 4K. But yes, you really do!

He ordered me Doctor Who Christmas Special 2017 – Twice Upon A Time. Which turns out, I had never seen it before!

He also ordered me Die Hard, which I had not seen in years and years!

Die Hard

Oh and of course, big thanks to Mum and Dad for getting me the 4K player for Christmas!!

Dream railway rolling stock

Here is mini list my dream railway rolling stock for Coopers Junction. What do you think?!?!?

VTEC, Class 91, Bo-Bo, 91111 'For the Fallen' - Era 10
VTEC, Class 91, Bo-Bo, 91111 ‘For the Fallen’ – Era 10
LNER, Hitachi Class 800/1, 'Azuma' Set 800 104 'Celebrating Scotland' Train Pack - Era 11
LNER, Hitachi Class 800/1, ‘Azuma’ Set 800 104 ‘Celebrating Scotland’ Train Pack – Era 11
GBRf, Class 66, Co-Co, 66773 'Pride of GB Railfreight' - Era 11
GBRf, Class 66, Co-Co, 66773 ‘Pride of GB Railfreight’ – Era 11
Caledonian Sleeper, Class 92, Co-Co, 92023 - Era 10
Caledonian Sleeper, Class 92, Co-Co, 92023 – Era 10

Coopers Junction going to get a flyover

Big thanks to everyone who’s donated money, so far via www.PayPal.me/gsvalentine for Coopers Junction! Your money is going to get Coopers Junction a flyover! Which is something, I’ve always wanted for model layout! 🙂

Also check out my wishlist.

Amazon vinyl wish list – 13-11-2017

I’ve just updated my Amazon vinyl wishlist, since Christmas is just around the corner!

So if, any of my amazing friends, family or fans would like get me any? Check out my wishlist at amzn.eu/4lrqqRW.

If you can think of any, I really should add to that list! Then comment on this post!

Amazon vinyl wish list – 11-01-2017

I’ve just created Amazon wishlist of the vinyl, I would love to add to my fast growing collection!

So any of my amazing friends, family or fans like to buy me any? If so check out my wishlist at amzn.eu/4lrqqRW.

If you can think of any, I really should add to that list! Then comment on this post!

Amazon wishlist is full of vinyl, 80s again?

My Amazon wishlist is full of vinyl, anyone would think it’s the 80s again! But back then you did not have amazon or for that matter the Internet!!

So any of my amazing fans, want to check out my wishlist and get me something else?? LOL!! Don’t you think you should do?? With all the photos, vlogs etc I do for you!?!?!?!

You can check out my list here.


Here is my amazon wishlist!!

Since Christmas it coming up and it’s the time of giving!! Anyone want to get me stuff from my amazon wish list? Like they say, if you don’t ask you don’t get!! 😀

Amazon.co.uk: Gordon S Valentine: Wishlist

Wish list : www.amazon.co.uk/registry/wishlist/29G69RXV56PDR