I’ve just gone and ordered a 2XU P:1 Propel wetsuit from Wiggle, for £193.49. Should have it, by Friday all going well! So can’t wait to do photos and vlogs wearing it!! 🙂
Loving my new Zone3 Vision Wetsuit
I’ve got to say, I am loving my new Zone3 Vision Wetsuit. Also the price as not bad at all. List price was £215, I paid £174.15 for it! So a saving of 19%. Also can’t believe fast, I got it! I only ordered it yesterday from Wiggle and got it today! Did not even pay, any extra to get it next day! So 10/10 to Wiggle!
Loving my alter Ego Compression Amazing Spider Man top
Here are the very first photos of myself wearing my new Under Armour Alter Ego Compression Top Amazing Spider Man. Which I got from Wiggle for £40.50. I would recommend it!
More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/page/search/tags/Under+Armour+Alter+Ego+Compression+Top+Amazing+Spider+Man.
Castelli Presto Due Bib Shorts 2013 : first photo
Here is the very first photo of myself, wearing my new Castelli Presto Due Bib Shorts 2013. That I got from Wiggle today! Got to say, I am well pleased with them. Looking forward to the warmer weather. So I can start cycling wearing them!
wiggle wish list!
Here is yet another Christmas wish list! This time it’s my Wiggle one. So it’s fully up sexy Lycra gear :).
Wish list : www.wiggle.com/mywishlist?wishListUrl=N7pyAL31781360
More cycling gear on the way
I have just gone and ordered some more cycling gear. Since the evenings are getting colder and Wiggle have a sale on. I sent off for some Agu Rabobank Team arm and leg warmers. They will finish off the rest of the Agu Rabobank Team gear that I have.
Agu Rabobank Team Arm Warmers – 2011
Getting them for £20.80. Full price would be £32, so making a saving of £11.20 (35%).
Agu Rabobank Team Leg Warmers – 2011
Getting them for £33.60. Full price would be £48, so making a saving of £14.40 (30%).
Once they turn up, I will make sure I get lots of photos wearing them with the rest of the cycling set.
New cycling gear on the way :)
I have just gone and spent £133.50 on some new cycling gear :). Been after some new gear for a while. So after asking people on facebook what I should get, lots of people said I should get the Rabobank team kit. Also lots of straight lads from work said I should get it. So that will be a first for me, having straight lads telling me what gear to get! Just hope I look half has good in it, as Theo Bos does :).
Agu Rabobank Full Zip Short Sleeve Jersey 2011
Getting it from Wiggle for £66.75.
Agu Rabobank Bibshort 2011
Getting from it Wiggle for £66.75.
Once I get this gear, you will all have lots and lots of new photos to look forward to.