Tag: Wales

Cardiff Queen Street railway station, tick

I can now tick off, Cardiff Queen Street railway station. My second station in Wales!!! 🙂

Cardiff Queen Street railway station

Myself at Cardiff Queen Street railway station

Cardiff Queen Street railway station

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/railway-stations/cardiff-queen-street/

Cardiff Central railway station, tick

I can now tick off, Cardiff Central railway station. My very first station in Wales!!! 🙂

Cardiff Central railway station

Cardiff Central railway station

Cardiff Central railway station

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/railway-stations/cardiff-central/

We did Snowdon two years ago today!

Can’t believe that it was two years ago today, that I climbed Snowdon along with James and Shaun! Still really do want to do it again! Hope the weather is better next time around!

You can check out the route we took at connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1680979597 and also www.strava.com/activities/944940040.

Snowdon Summit with Shaun
Snowdon Summit with James and Shaun

National Cycle Network photo map

I’ve started working on a National Cycle Network photo map. I’ve used the network so many times, over the years for cycling, walking and while doing the End to End cycle back in 2009.

Still, got many photos to add to this map, but very pleased with my process so far…

Also, done a page, that breaks the National Cycle Network, down into routes.

Snowdon and Ben Nevis ✅

Still can’t believe that I am done both Snowdon and Ben Nevis this year! Just need to make sure, that I do Scafell Pike at some point next year!!

Here are the two vlogs while doing Snowdon and Ben Nevis 🙂

UK named summits photo gallery

After really getting the mountain climbing bug over the last year or so. About time, I added a new sub section to my photo gallery! Which will display some of my favourite photos, of some of the UK named summits, I’ve done! Sure, this list will grow fast!

Can you check out the photos so far @ www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/uk-named-summits/.

Vlog: We’re done Snowdon

That’s me just climbed Snowdon, which is the highest mountain in Wales, at an elevation of 1,085 metres above sea. Even the bad weather did not stop us from having great fun! Oh and say hello my vlog guests James and Shaun!

Check out the route we took at www.strava.com/activities/944940040.

I’ve now climbed Snowdon!!

First of all got to say a big thanks to Shaun for doing all the driving today!! And of course to his Dad, for letting him use his car! Got to say that he’s a great driver! Felt safe 100% of the time!

We all had amazing time! Even the crap weather did not stop us, from making it all the way to the top! Extra well done to Shaun for climbing his first mountain. Let’s hope, he’s now got the bug and that, I talk him into doing Scafell Pike. Which is the highest mountain in England.

And of course, also well done to James! Who was, feeling it from the off! Then like me, he’s more into cycling than walking! We all made it, to the top and back down safe. Which is the main thing!

Just wish the weather had been better! But that just makes me really, want to do it again! Hoping we get better views the next time!!

You can check out the route we took at connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1680979597 and also www.strava.com/activities/944940040.

Snowdon Summit with Shaun
Snowdon Summit with James and Shaun

Trip down memory lane in Bristol : Part 1

I had to drive all the way to and from Bristol today! So a round trip of around 350 miles! That may not sound a long drive, but driving one way to, see my family up in Scotland is only 316 miles.

It was great being back in the Bristol area again. Only ever been once before and that was back in August 2009, while doing the End to End cycle.

So first of all, I had to drive to Severn Bridge. Then find somewhere to park, so I could walk over it! This shows how good my memory is. I did not look at a map once and could remember all the roads. So parked a road, on the English side of the Bridge. Then walked over it! I walked on the side that forms part of the national cycle network (route 4). So the other side, that I used while doing the End to End cycle.

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/days-out/31-07-2014/