Back in my white Lycra skinsuit!! Since so many of you wanted to see me wearing it again!!
First UCI World Cup Team skinsuit photos in a long time!!
Various UCI World Cup Team skinsuit photos!
Here are various photos of myself wearing the UCI World Cup Team skinsuit!
If you want me to do a new vlog wearing it! Then you need to comment on the following post…
Need to do more vlogs in the UCI World Cup Team skinsuit
I really do need to do more vlogs wearing the UCI World Cup Team skinsuit!!
If, I get at least 10 comments on this post, I will film a new one very soon indeed!
Getting even closer to 200 miles…
I am getting so close to, doing 200 miles of cycling this week! Right now, I am at 169.7 miles! So just need to do 30.3 miles tomorrow! Which, should be nice and easy to do…
Now since, everyone loves it when I wear a skinsuit and white Lycra! Well today, I will have made lots of dreams come true!!! 😀
Vlog: White Lycra skinsuit, ice bucket challenge
My second time doing the ice bucket challenge. This time I am wearing, a white Lycra skinsuit for it! Since you voted for it!!