Tag: Twyford Wood

Should not have to wear a wetsuit in June!

Can’t believe that, I am having to wear a wetsuit in June, while out cycling, to keep myself warm! It was only like 11C, when for this time of year, it should be at least 20C!! But on the plus side, it means you get to see more photos of me, wearing sexy wetsuits!! 😀

O’Neill Gooru F.U.Z.E wetsuit
O’Neill Gooru F.U.Z.E wetsuit

Great 23 mile cycle + Geocaching at Twyford Wood

Yep yet another day, yet another wetsuit cycle! I bet you, can’t wait till the warmer weather, then I will be back out in the Lycra again!! Oh for this cycle, I did 23.3 miles! And yes, I did even more Geocaching! I found 6 during the cycle, all in Twyford Wood.

Zone3 Evolution Swim-Run Wetsuit

Zone3 Evolution Swim-Run Wetsuit

Zone3 Evolution Swim-Run Wetsuit

blueseventy axium wetsuit cycle!

Yet another wetsuit cycle! But this time wearing the blueseventy axium wetsuit. I did just over 21 miles while wearing it! Can you tell by my face, I was getting very warm wearing it!

You can check out the route at www.strava.com/activities/445485608

Wetsuit cycling

Wetsuit cycling

Wetsuit cycling

Wetsuit cycling

The sun is out to play, so is my Lycra

Since summer is back at long last, well in most of England anyway. Been told it’s still been raining up in Scotland. I have been out cycling in my sexy Lycra. So here are some photos, from the last couple of cycles.