Tag: Specialized Crosstrail Sport Disc ’16

First ride – Specialized Crosstrail Sport Disc ’16

At long last, I got out my first ride on my new bike. I got my Specialized Crosstrail Sport Disc ’16 on Tuesday from Edinburgh Bicycle Co-Operative. But I’ve had a cold/flu but thing most of the week! So going out on it, would not have been a good idea! But so pleased, I’ve got to use it at long last!

I went for a 22.81 mile cycle ride! Making it the longest Saturday ride, I’ve done this year so far! Think I’ve already, falling in love with it!

Garmin Edge 1000

Specialized Crosstrail Sport Disc ’16

So happy my new bike got delivered today from Edinburgh Bicycle Co-Operative. It set me back £550. The only reason I got it, was since my Mum give myself and my bothers £1,000 each, for her 70th Birthday! Think I’ve got the worlds best MUM!!! 😀

I’ve still to give it a test ride. I really wanted to give it a go today, but trying to get over a bad cold/flu bug thinly!

Of course the big question is, do I remove the bell??