Happy #NationalComingOutDay to all you LGBTQ people!!
Happy #NationalComingOutDay 2017!!
Big happy 21st birthday to Ben!
Two of my favourite work lads off to University
Two of my favourite lads at work are leaving to go to University. Ben the one wearing the “Some people are gay. Get over it!” t-shirt leaves tonight. Harry leaves when I am on holiday in Cyprus!
Ben has been working at the dog track for the last two years. Harry only for a number of months. But it feels so much longer. Going to really miss both of them. But they will be back during Christmas time. So it’s not all bad.
Good luck to them both! BTW Ben is not really gay. Just lots of people think he is. So had to get him, that t-shirt as a leaving present :).
Winter Olympics themed evening photos
Vlog: Winter Olympics themed evening
At work we are having an Winter Olympics themed evening. So I’ve be wearing my Russian version of ‘Some People are Gay. Get Over It!’ t-shirt. In support of gay rights in Russia.
Winter Olympics theme night @ the dogs
On Friday 21st February, where I work is having a theme night for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics. I will be wearing my ‘Some People are Gay. Get Over It!’ t-shirt but the new Russian version. Which I ordered yesterday. I feel as a gay man, I have to do my bit for the gay people living in Russia.
Below is photo of myself wearing the English version of the t-shirt. You can order both the English and Russian version’s at web.stonewall.org.uk/public/shop/default.aspx.
Where can I buy ‘Some people are gay. Get over it!’ t-shirts?
Since posting some photos of myself wearing a ‘Some people are gay. Get over it!’ t-shirt. I have had a number of people contact me and ask where I got it from. I got it from www.stonewall.org.uk/what_you_can_do/buy_your_stonewall_merchandise/4873.asp.
They also sell Some people are gay. Get over it! mugs. Which I also have some of. You can buy them from www.stonewall.org.uk/what_you_can_do/buy_your_stonewall_merchandise/4874.asp.