Tag: Social networking

Another hot Spider-Man photo!

Would love to find his fit lad, wearing that extra hot Spider-Man suit. Cuffed to my bed or locked in a cage! Maybe to much info, but I don’t care! He’s HOT!!


Image from ladylokiofmidgard.tumblr.com/post/50272089009/so-who-would-be-interested-in-paying-for-him-to

OMG! So want this HOT Spider-Man suit!!

OMG! Really need do need to try to find out where, I can get a Spider-Man suit like that! If I had one like it, don’t think I would ever want to take it off!!


Image from ladylokiofmidgard.tumblr.com/post/45679916319/last-photo-until-i-upload-an-album-photo-taken-by

wickedm6 as Spider-Man

Check out these great photos of wickedm6 as Spider-Man!

Really wish I had a Spider-Man suit like that! If I did, I would never want to take it off!! Anyone know where I can get a Spider-Man suit like that??

734418_487675017941353_541784069_n 535612_503825949659593_1275430458_n

For more Spider-Man cosplay photos check out his fan page @ www.facebook.com/Wickedm6.

FourSquare Check-ins : 01/01/2013

I have just given the FourSquare Check-ins page on this website a much needed update.

Check it out at www.gordon-valentine.com/aboutme/foursquare-check-ins/.

Below is the old version. Pre December 2012.


Below is the new version. Post January 2013.
