Tag: Scotland

Ben Lomond, tick! For the third time!

WOW! That’s me now walked up Ben Lomond for the third time in my life! I’ve walked up in it my 20s, 30s, and now done it again in my 40s… Guess I need to do it again in my 50s, 60s and maybe even my 70s…

This time around, I did it with my work wife Julie. I couldn’t be more pride of her. We both did it! The weather had the top, was the best! We didn’t get a view at all! But we did not care, we made it to the top and back down again!

You can check out out route at www.strava.com/activities/11455752375

Happy days! Scotland with the (work)wife here we come!

Happy days! That’s my (work)wife and myself both time booked off work for going to Scotland!

So are we are both really looking forward to it! Just hope the weather plays nice!!

Bugsy’s travel/walking second anniversary map

OMG! It was two years ago today, that Mark G and myself picked up Bugsy! Look at the place he’s walked in that short time!

Please do give Bugsy a follow at www.strava.com/athletes/bugsythedog

Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Glasgow High Street railway station, tick!

I can now tick off, High Street (Glasgow) railway station. Which will be the last new railway station of 2023!

Glasgow High Street railway station



More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/category/travel/railway-stations/

Went to Dunkeld & Birnam railway station, by car…

Since our plans for day all went wrong! Since the A9 road got closed around 3 miles from the place we had hoping to check it… It give me a reason to look around Dunkeld & Birnam railway station!

I can’t tick this railway station off my list… Since we drove to it! To make my list, a journey needs to start or end at station by train.

Myself at Dunkeld & Birnam railway station

Myself at Dunkeld & Birnam railway station

More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/railway-stations/dunkeld-and-birnam/

My cycling/walking map for 2023!

Here is a full map of the places I’ve cycled and walked during 2023!

Please, give me a follow at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine

Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Bugsy’s travel/walking map for 2023!

Here is a full map of the places Bugsy, has walked during JUST 2023!!

Please, give him a follow at www.strava.com/athletes/bugsythedog

Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Bugsy’s travel/walking map : 19-Nov-2023

Here is a full map of the places Bugsy, has walked during JUST 2023!!

Please, give him a follow at www.strava.com/athletes/bugsythedog

Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Railway stations added to my list : 08-Jul-2023

Here is a list of new railway stations, I’ve added to my list so far during 2023…

Myself at Dent railway station

  1. Dent
  2. Harrogate
  3. Ilkley
  4. Kendal
  5. Linlithgow
  6. Oxenholme
  7. Preston
  8. Ribblehead
  9. Whittlesey
  10. Windermere

The full list can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/travel/railways/railway-stations/