Happy St Andrew’s Day 2018 everyone! And remember that the Saltire, is #EveryonesFlag, not just the SNPs’. You can fly the Flag of Scotland and not want independence. I am proud to be both Scottish and British.
Middle of December 2017 most popular photos
Vlog: Back in the Scotland Flag Morphsuit
Back in the Scotland Flag Morphsuit!! This time fully zipped up!
More Scotland Flag Morphsuit photos!
Here are some more photos, of myself wearing the Scotland Flag Morphsuit, that I took today! ENJOY!! 🙂
More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/scotland-flag-morphsuit/
Vlog: Scotland Flag Morphsuit
Wearing my Scotland Flag Morphsuit for St. Andrew’s Day! I know, I am day late! It was not the weather yesterday for vlogging.
Scotland Flag Morphsuit photos
I was hoping to take these photos yesterday for St Andrew’s Day. But the UK weather had other ideas!
More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/scotland-flag-morphsuit/