Tag: Red telephone box

Getting back into Geocaching!

Red telephone box at EdmondthorpeI need to thank, Cooper, yes Cooper my dog for getting me back into Geocaching.

He went looking for water, so I followed him, to see, what water he had found and in the process found a geocache. Which lead to me installing the app on my phone, then finding another two geocaches during the walk!

So once, back from walk him. I of course, had to go out cycling. Which in turn, lead me on to find another 16 of them.

Looking at the Geocaching website. Turns out, it’s the first ones, I’ve found once 2016! Going by today, think I’ve got the bug again!

Oh and I even found a new red telephone box, while out cycling! Oh OK, not new, but you get what, I mean!

Middle of March 2019 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website so far during March 2019.

Number 1 (34 views) : Totally helpless in Fetters Padded Fist Mitts & Padded Leather Muzzle
otally helpless in Fetters Padded Fist Mitts & Padded Leather Muzzle

Number 2 (34 views) : Red telephone box at Wyville
Red telephone box at Wyville

Number 3 (27 views) : Grantham Canal
Grantham Canal

33.53 miles = longest cycle of 2019!

Well that turned out to be a extra good cycle! I was only hoping to do around 20 miles, but ended up doing 33.53 miles, making it my longest cycle of 2019! Also cycled up a hill, I’ve never done before! It was 12%, so looking forward to doing that one again!

You can check out the route, I took over at www.strava.com/activities/2193109873

Just been sorting out red telephone box photos…

At long last, I’ve got around to sorting out all the red telephone box, photos that I’ve taken over the years…

Also, sad knowing that, lot’s of them, have since been removed!

Check out my photo gallery at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/red-telephone-boxes/.

Yep, found more red telephone boxes

Yep, you guessed it, I found even more red telephone boxes during today’s mini 33.4 mile cycle! Sorry, if you’re all getting bored of this!!!

Full list, of all the ones, I’ve found so far, can be found here!

Red telephone box at Market Deeping
Red telephone box at West Deeping
Red telephone box Barholm