Tag: Railways

Old Dalby Test Track photos : 08-04-2014

Driven past the Old Dalby Test Track so many times! But never before stopped and had a look. Since I was on my bike, made the most of it. I had a look at a very small section of the line between Saxelby Village (bridge 52) and Saxelby tunnel.

Air Shaft to Saxelby Tunnel

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/england/old-dalby-test-track/.

The Railway: Keeping Britain on Track : 19-Feb-2013

The next episode of The Railway: Keeping Britain on Track is on BBC 2/BBC HD at 9:00pm GMT on Tuesday 18th February 2013. This week’s episode is called “Summer Madness”. Can’t wait for it.

Last week’s episode was a real eye opener. If you missed it. It’s still on the BBC iPlayer at www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01qqzb6/The_Railway_Keeping_Britain_on_Track_Kings_Cross/

The Railway: Keeping Britain on Track : 12-Feb-2013

I am really loving how many railway related TV shows the BBC has been showing over the last month or so. This week sees a new series start on BBC2/BBC HD on Tuesday 12th February 2013 at 9:0pm GMT.

The first episode, is called “King’s Cross”. Can’t wait to see it!

Here is the program information taken from DigiGuide.

“Documentary series which goes behind the scenes of the rail network, revealing the inner workings of one of Britain’s biggest and oldest institutions. The 1970s concourse at London’s King’s Cross station is cramped and dark, doing nothing to help the spirits of passengers – something that Alexis Bailey, who works on the passenger information point, knows all too well from her experience of dealing with frustrated travellers. There is hope that a brand new concourse will lift everyone’s spirits. East Coast manager Steve Newland wants the opening to coincide with customer service levels worthy of a five-star hotel, a vision that is frustrated when broken-down trains and fatalities on the line bring everything to a standstill. Laxman Keshwara has worked at the station for 35 years, during which time he has witnessed both an IRA bombing and the King’s Cross fire. He is a much-loved staff member but retirement beckons and is last day at work is a very sad one for everyone at the station.”

HS2 rail line to go ahead!

Great news for just about everyone in the UK. The HS2 rail line to go ahead. About time, our rail network has been in the slow line for way, way to long. Now let’s just get on and build it!

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