Tag: Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle

Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2019

Got to say that Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2019 was so much fun! The weather could not have been better, was dry, mainly sunny and a lot less windy than it was last year!

This year, I did 36.68 miles. So up on last years 35.73 miles. Also I made it into London a hour later this time. Got into London Kings X just after 11:00am. Last year, was in London by 10am!!

Already starting to look forward to next years! It gets bigger and bigger each year!

You can check out, the route at www.strava.com/activities/2587105927

Can’t wait for Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2019

Really starting to look forward to the Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2019, which takes place tomorrow (3rd August 2019). This will be my 5th, time going :).

Here are some photos from the 2013 and 2018, Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle events.

Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2013

Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2013

Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2018

Here are links to the stats from each time, that I’ve done the Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle.

2013 – connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/352867182 – 22.75 miles.

2016 – connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1280102960 – 38.72 miles.

2017 – connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1883064874 – 46.63 miles.

2018 – connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/2887109984 – 35.74 miles.

Total = 143.84 miles.

Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2018

Got to say that Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2018 was so much fun! The weather could not have been better, was dry, mainly sunny, but a bit on windy side at times!

It was even better, since this year, since I talked a mate into joining me! Hello Mark! He enjoyed it, so much! He said, he’s more than up for joining me next year! Let’s just hope, he does not come off his bike next year!

We did 35.73 miles, I was hoping to do more… Then Mark, has not been doing that much cycling this year, so his body, is not fully use to doing longer cycles. He’s now got a year, to get himself ready for next years event!

You can check out, our route at www.strava.com/activities/1733463546

Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2018


Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle 2016

I had so much fun doing the Prudential RideLondon FreeCycle. I did the very first back in 2013! But had not been again since now! I loved it! The weather could not have been better! Was great seeing so many other cyclists out! I be be for sure going again next year!

Here is a speeded for video of the cycle! I start the ride from King’s Cross station, then via various roads, before cycling down Oxford Street and Regent Street before meeting up with the FreeCycle route at Trafalgar Square.

You also check out the full route I took at www.strava.com/activities/658601925