Tag: photos

2022 travel map : update 31 March 2022

So far 2022, has got off to a slow start, travelling wise! Had so many big plans, they all got put on hold after losing the love of my life Cooper… Will restart them all soon, now that Bugsy and myself are starting to bond.

Of course, also need to start getting out on bike way more! Just about lost interest in that and well just about everything else. After losing Cooper… It’s been now close to 4 weeks and still can’t get my head around it!

Of course, Cooper would want me to be happy again! Trying my best, just finding it hard going!

Here is mini map, of some of places, I’ve been too so far in 2022…

Please do check out www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/me/2022/

Previous unseen photos from 2002

Just been looking at old photos of myself from 2002! Here are some, that up till now, have never seen posted on this website 🙂

Really can’t believe, just how good looking I was back then!

More photos from 2002 can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/me/2002/

Photo gallery should run faster…

Over the last number of days, I’ve been playing around with some of the photo gallery settings, which should make it, load more faster now…

So please give it a go and even better, if you could comment on some of the photos!!

Look Instagram stop removing my photos!

In the last two weeks, Instagram has removed at least two of my photos! They never tell you, which ones. Just get a notification, when you first go to the app, saying they have removed something!

This reason, is why hosting your own work, is always the best way to go! Also means, I have full control over my own work! Due to this, I’ve cut down on what, I am been posting to Instagram!

This website, will always be the best place to see my photos!

So check out my photo gallery, where you can see over 8,000 photos!

First time to Great Central Railway – Nottingham, since 2014!

First time I’ve been to Great Central Railway – Nottingham, since 2014! I had totally, forgotten just how good it was! I will make sure, I don’t leave it so long, again till my next visit!

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/days-out/07-07-2019/

Grand Union Canal : Birdingbury Wharf to Warwick ✅

That’s us just done another part of the Grand Union Canal. This time, we walked from Birdingbury Wharf to Warwick (Warwick Parkway railway station). A distance of 11.65 miles.

The route we took can be found over at www.strava.com/activities/2493511514.

Here are some photos from day 13 of our Grand Union Canal walk.

More photos can be found over at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/england/grand-union-canal/