Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website during February 2014.
Number 1 (1,472 views) : Wetsuited snow fun
Since it was a bit on the wet side, I put on my Orca S2 and went out a cycle. During the cycle, I stopped at a local park and filmed the following two videos! 🙂
Since lots of people that check out this website, love seeing photos of myself out cycling wearing a wetsuit. I have just gone and made it much easier to find them! I have tagged them all with “wetsuit cycling“.
Check out many more photos like this @
I can’t believe it. I have just uploaded my 100th YouTube video!! So here are the top 3 most viewed ones.
1 – Orca speedsuit river fun (161,172 views | uploaded 25 May 2007)
2 – Cycling (35,996 views | uploaded 7 Sep 2009)
3 – Putting on a wetsuit (33,186 views | uploaded 1 Oct 2009)
Check out all my other vlogs at
I am sure by now, you will have seen the photos from my fourth of the year in a wetsuit. Now here is the vlog to go with them :).