Tag: orca S2

February 2014 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website during February 2014.

Number 1 (1,472 views) : Wetsuited snow fun
Wetsuited snow fun

Number 2 (1,281 views) : Wetsuited snow fun

Number 3 (1,182 views) : While cycling in the Orca S2
While cycling in the Orca S2

January 2014 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website during January 2014.

Number 1 (1,137 views) : Myself driving the Mallard!
Myself driving the Mallard!

Number 2 (908 views) : Adam and myself at Skegness
Adam and myself at Skegness

Number 3 (710 views) : While cycling in the Orca S2
While cycling in the Orca S2

Middle of January 2014 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website so far during January 2014.

Number 1 (750 views) : Adam and myself at Skegness
Adam and myself at Skegness

Number 2 (494 views) : Myself driving the Mallard!
Myself driving the Mallard!

Number 3 (429 views) : While cycling in the Orca S2
While cycling in the Orca S2

May 2013 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website during May 2013.

Number 1 (185 views) : Stevens racing suit
Stevens racing suit

Number 2 (165 views) : UCI World Cup Team skinsuit
UCI World Cup Team skinsuit

Number 3 (152 views) : Wetsuit cycling
Wetsuit cycling

Now faster to find my wetsuit cycling photos!

Since lots of people that check out this website, love seeing photos of myself out cycling wearing a wetsuit. I have just gone and made it much easier to find them! I have tagged them all with “wetsuit cycling“.

Wetsuit cyclingWetsuit cycling

Wetsuit cyclingWetsuit cycling

Check out many more photos like this @ www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/page/search/tags/wetsuit+cycling.

Just uploaded my 100th YouTube video

I can’t believe it. I have just uploaded my 100th YouTube video!! So here are the top 3 most viewed ones.

1 – Orca speedsuit river fun (161,172 views | uploaded 25 May 2007)

2 – Cycling (35,996 views | uploaded 7 Sep 2009)

3 – Putting on a wetsuit (33,186 views | uploaded 1 Oct 2009)

Check out all my other vlogs at www.youtube.com/gsvalentine.