Tag: O’Neill Gooru 2/1 Shorti

How was this 12 years ago?

How was this 12 years ago?!?? It only feels like, just the other day that Lubor was over here from the Czech Republic. Yes, of course, I still speak to him! Really do need, to get him back over to the UK again!

Lubor and myself having fun in wetsuits
Lubor and myself having fun in wetsuits
Lubor and myself having fun in wetsuits

Many more photos of us, can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/lubor-and-gordon/

Had the O’Neill Gooru 2/1 Shorti wetsuit since 2006

Can’t believe that, I’ve had the O’Neill Gooru 2/1 Shorti wetsuit since 2006! Here are some of my favourite photos wearing it, over the last 11 years! Where has that time gone?

O'Neill Gooru 2/1 Shorti

O'Neill Gooru 2/1 Shorti

Lubor and myself having fun in wetsuits

Lubor and myself having fun in wetsuits

O’Neill Gooru 2/1 Shorti

More photos of myself wearing it can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/wetsuits/o-neill-gooru-2-1-shorti/