Tag: new home

Moved again! Yes, second time in just over 1 year!

Well that’s me moved again! Yes, the second time in just over 1 year! Just hope we get to stay in his new place, for a good number of years! Don’t want to have to move again for long time! All stress of it all, has not been doing my mental health any good at all!

They are lots of great things about the new house!

  • Got a driveway + Garage!
  • Has a mini front garden!
  • Got a back garden for Bugsy! Which he’s never had before!
  • Still tree bedrooms! Two are a lot bigger than before!

Vlog: I’ve moved home!

You will all be pleased to hear, that I’ve moved!!! We got the keys the new place, last Sunday (15th July 2018) and started moving in that day! It took us, till Wednesday to move everything over! Still boxes all over the place! That will be sorted, given time!