Tag: new bike

On This Day : 19/10/2023

On This Day a year ago today! I got my new bike! Which was a Specialized Rockhopper Sport 2022 Hardtail Mountain Bike. During that time, it’s done 1,286 miles.

Do check out www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine to keep up-to-date with all cycling and walking adventures!

Specialized Rockhopper Sport 2022 Hardtail Mountain Bike

Specialized Rockhopper Sport 2022 Hardtail Mountain Bike

Specialized Rockhopper Sport 2022 Hardtail Mountain Bike

Specialized Rockhopper Sport 2022 Hardtail Mountain Bike

Loving my new bike! I got it on Thursday 12th October. Then I had to wait for new pedals to turn up! They had been due to turn up way before the new bike! At first, I was told it would be around Monday 23rd October, till I would get it!

So I was over the moon, when I got an email from Rutland Cycles. saying it would turn up way before that!

So far, very pleased with it! Just going to take a while getting use to it! Not had a mountain bike in years!

Specialized Rockhopper Sport 2022 Hardtail Mountain Bike

Specialized Rockhopper Sport 2022 Hardtail Mountain Bike

Specialized Rockhopper Sport 2022 Hardtail Mountain Bike

Specialized Crosstrail Sport Disc ’16

So happy my new bike got delivered today from Edinburgh Bicycle Co-Operative. It set me back £550. The only reason I got it, was since my Mum give myself and my bothers £1,000 each, for her 70th Birthday! Think I’ve got the worlds best MUM!!! 😀

I’ve still to give it a test ride. I really wanted to give it a go today, but trying to get over a bad cold/flu bug thinly!

Of course the big question is, do I remove the bell??