Tag: lycra

60 mile bike ride and more Geocaching

Today I went a nice 60 mile bike ride. It was great weather again, so wanted to make the most of it. I also did more Geocaching, this time I found 6. So I am well pleased with myself. I was hoping to find 10, but I could not find one and ran out of time to find the other ones. I have now found 51 in total, with 19 of them since Sunday (24th July 2011). Aim is to get that over 100 before the year is out :).

So now on with some of the statistics from the cycle.

  • Distance: 60.24 miles.
  • Time: 4:31:37 (h:m:s).
  • Avg Speed: 13.3 mph.
  • Max Speed: 25.6 mph.
  • Elevation Gain: 485 meters.
  • Elevation Loss: 481 meters
  • Min Elevation: 11 meters.
  • Max Elevation: 164 meters.

I have also done the more miles I have ever done in a single month, well if you don’t count the End to End cycle  month back in August 2009. I have now done 704.7 miles, this month and for the whole year 3,194.9. So the second most miles I have ever done in a single year, only got last years to better.

Here are some photos from the cycle:-

I am feeling better :)

If you follow me on facebook and twitter, you will know I have been feeling a bit crap since Saturday evening. I have some cold/bug thing that is going around. But I am feeling a lot better today, still not 100%. So much better, I got even more photos of myself for you all to look at 🙂


Hope you all enjoy these new photos. Can’t wait to read what your comments about them!

Was a bit bored so had fun taken photos

I was a wee bit bored today, so had some back in the back garden taken new photos of myself :). They say it’s summer, it does not feel like it. Max of like 17C here today. So did not get any cycling done again today :(. So taken these new photos give me something to do :D.

Nalini HTC Columbia cycling kitNalini HTC Columbia cycling kitUCI World Cup Team skinsuitUCI World Cup Team skinsuitorca speedsuitorca speedsuit

Hope you all enjoy these new photos. Can’t wait to read, your comments about them!

New cycling gear is here!

My new Rabobank Cycling Team kit that I ordered from Wiggle on Wednesday turned on today. I am well pleased with it! Feel so nice on, can’t wait to get out cycling in it. Was hoping to later today, but it’s gone very, very windy again.

Here are the first ever photos of myself wearing it :).

Rabobank Cycling Team kitRabobank Cycling Team kitRabobank Cycling Team kitRabobank Cycling Team kit

New cycling gear on the way :)

I have just gone and spent £133.50 on some new cycling gear :). Been after some new gear for a while. So after asking people on facebook what I should get, lots of people said I should get the Rabobank team kit. Also lots of straight lads from work said I should get it. So that will be a first for me, having straight lads telling me what gear to get! Just hope I look half has good in it, as Theo Bos does :).

Agu Rabobank Full Zip Short Sleeve Jersey 2011

Getting it from Wiggle for £66.75.

Agu Rabobank Bibshort 2011

Getting from it Wiggle for £66.75.

Once I get this gear, you will all have lots and lots of new photos to look forward to.

Tunnel cycling vlog

During on my last webcam chat people said they like it when I do outdoor vlogs. They also said I would try to do them in lots of different locations. So I filmed this one under a old railway bridge, near to my home in Little Bytham.

Here are some photos taken in the same location.
Out cyclingOut cyclingOut cycling

New poll on-line

I have just added a new poll. Which can be found on the top right of each page. This poll is about what would you like more of, on the website.

You can vote from two of the following:-

  • Blog posts
  • Photos
  • Podcasts
  • Vlogs

Also big thanks to everyone that voted in the last poll. I asked “What would you like to see more photos of?” the poll results were as followed.

I was hoping that my motorcycle gear would win, since right now it’s my favourite gear. But oh well. But I do still of course really like to wear my cycling gear and wetsuits. So I have posted two photos showing the best of best, lycra and my motorcycle helmet :).

PBK Team Long Sleeve Skinsuit + HJC ZF-10 Karlie helmet
Orca speedsuit + HJC ZF-10 Karlie helmet