Tag: host

That’s us live on a new server!

My favourite village name, BitchfieldAbout 95% sure, that this website has moved over to another server! Still using the same host, mainly since I’ve been with them for so long! About 99% of the time, the support they give you, is second to none!

So now, let’s hope, we have much less downtime… But let’s see what happens!

Oh and here is photo, of my favourite village name, Bitchfield! 🙂

Looking for a new host…

Think it’s time to give me with my current host! Been with them since 2003. But in the last number of weeks, my website has been going off-line at least 15+ times, a day for around 5 minutes at a time.

All they keep telling me to upgrade to WordPress Hosting plan. Which is no use to me at all, since I need access to more than one database! One to host the main part of this website, then another host Zenphoto, also need subdomains. So why would I pay more, but get less?!?!?

At least during this lockdown, I’ve got time to sort things like this out!

So here is list of the main things I need:-

  • Free Website Statistics (AWStats) – Use them for my photos stats
  • Free SSL Certificate (Let’s Encrypt)
  • FTP access with at least of support for SFTP and SCP
  • At least 50 GB of hosting space
  • PHP at least version 7.5
  • Need at least 5 subdomains
  • Need to be Linux server
  • Unmetered traffic
  • Also want 99.9% Uptime Guarantee! (So not going off-line around every hour, like my current host)

Sure I have missed things, they are main ones!

P.S. My website went off-line at least 3 times, while just doing this blog post! That’s how bad it’s got!!

Think the website is back to normal!

I am sure, that my website is running 100% again!

Oh and big thanks to someone from 34sp.com emailing at me 8:00pm, last night, just to check that it was still running, like it should! Doubt many other hosts, would do that!