OMG! Loving the Hornby Coca-Cola Wagon! Really, really big thanks to person that got it off, my amazon wishlish!!! You would not believe, just how much that has cheered me up!! Love you lots!!! xx
Vlog: Coopers Junction model railway
Welcome to first ever vlog about Coopers Junction model railway. Also showing off the Hornby Loco R3903 ScotRail, Class 43 HST, Power Cars 43021 and 43132 ‘A New Era’ which has been fitted with DCC Sound.
Dream railway rolling stock
Here is mini list my dream railway rolling stock for Coopers Junction. What do you think?!?!?

Ordered the Hornby Loco R30071 ScotRail, Class 153
That’s me just pre-ordered the ScotRail, Class 153 from Jadlam Toys & Models. It’s not due out till the summer, but need stuff to look forward 2! The way things are going, the model will turn up. Before I get to go on real one!!
P.S. Please check out model railway wish list and help make Coopers Junction model railway layout, even better!
The model railway layout needs a name…
The model railway layout needs a name… If you can think of any, do let me know! Just needs to have the name Cooper in it!
So far people have come up with the following:-
- Coopersfield
- Cooper Bridge
- Cooper Junction
- Cooper North Eastern Network
If you can think of anything else, do comment below!
Oh and big thanks to people have that got me items off the model railways wistlist on amazon.
So far people have got me:-
- Hornby R8579 Skaledale 00 Gauge Pillar Box
- Hornby HT8300 R600 Straight Track x 4 BLISTER PK Track Accessory
- PACK OF 6 – Hornby R601 Double Straight Track
- Hornby R047 On/Off Lever Switch Green
If you want to help… Check out
Got the Hornby R070 Motorised Turntable setup!
That’s now got the Hornby R070 Motorised Turntable setup. Think, I’ve had it for at least 25 to 30 years! So well pleased, it still works after all these years!
Want to help make the layout even bigger and better? Then check out my amazon model railways wishlist!
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First ever model railway layout
My first ever model railway layout! Well OK, had many setup over the years, but always just on the floor! Looking forward to how this is going to grow, over the coming days, weeks, months and well years, I guess!
Right now the layout is controlled using the Hornby HM 2000 Analogue Controller, along with the HM 2000+ right hand DC controller. May upgrade to DCC at some point. But that’s way off in the future…
Want to help making the layout even bigger and better? Then check out my amazon model railways wishlist!
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