Tag: Hints for straights

Hints for straights… on my old Gay Glasgow site

I’ve just been having a look at The Gay Glasgow site, that I use to run many years ago… I got looking at the old “Hints for straights” page… Which really did, make me LOL!

Here is what is said…

What to do when you meet a Gay or Bisexual person

  • Do not run screaming from the room. This is rude.
  • If you must back away, do so slowly and with discretion.
  • Do not assume that he/she is attracted to you.
  • Do not assume that he/she is not attracted to you.
  • Do not assume that you are not attracted to him/her.
  • Do not expect him/he to be excited about meeting a straight person, as you may be about meeting a gay or bisexual person
  • Do not immediately start talking about your significant other half in order to make it clear that you are straight. He/she probably already knows.
  • Do not invite him/her to someplace where there will only be straight people unless you tell him in advance. He/she may not want to be with them.
  • Do not ask him how he/she got this way. Instead, ask how YOU got THAT way.
  • Do not assume he/she is dying to talk about being gay or bisexual
  • Do not expect him/her to refrain from talking about being gay or bisexual.
  • Do not trivialise his/her experience by assuming it is a bedroom experience only; he/she is gay or bisexual 24 hours a day.
  • Do not assume because he/she is gay or bisexual that he wants to be treated like the opposite sex. He/she will probably get angry.
  • Do not assume his/her heart will leap with joy if you touch his arm (condescendingly? flirtatiously? power testing?). It may make him angry.
  • Think twice before you attempt to tell him that he is taking the easy way out.
  • Do not expect a gay or bisexual to accept the straight world simply because it is in the majority.