Tag: Heritage railway

UK heritage railways list : updated 13-Oct-2014

Still can’t believe all the heritage railway lines, I have been on this year!

Here is a short list…

  • Battlefield Line Railway*
  • Great Central Railway*
  • Great Central Railway – Nottingham*
  • Nene Valley Railway
  • Mid Norfolk Railway*
  • North Norfolk Railway*
  • North Yorkshire Moors Railway

The ones with a * next to them, are ones I had never been on before!

Check out the full list at www.gordon-valentine.com/travel/railways/uk-heritage-railways/

Great Central Railway – Nottingham photos : 12-Oct-2014

That’s yet another UK Heritage railway line off my list! This time Great Central Railway – Nottingham.

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/days-out/12-10-2014/

Nene Valley Railway photos : 11-Jun-2014

Another day, another heritage railway. This time the Nene Valley Railway. Done this one a good number of times. Since it’s my most local one. But it’s still a very good one.

Still can’t believe how many heritage railway lines, I have been on so far this year. So far I have done: Battlefield Line Railway, Great Central Railway, Mid Norfolk Railway, North Norfolk Railway, North Yorkshire Moors Railway and of course Nene Valley Railway!!

Then tomorrow, I am off to York! So I will of course be going to the National Railway Museum.

More photos from this set can be found @ www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/days-out/11-06-2014/

Mid Norfolk Railway photos : 01-Jun-2014

That’s just another heritage railway line ticked off my list! Today Mark and myself went to the Mid Norfolk Railway! Which had a West Coast Steam Gala on this weekend. So could not have picked a better time to go!

More photos from this set can be found @ www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/days-out/01-06-2014/

UK heritage railways photos : 28-May-2014

I have just made a new photo album on my flickr account (www.flickr.com/photos/gsvalentine/). Where I will post, the photos from the various UK heritage railways, I have been on over the last number of months!

Check out www.flickr.com/photos/gsvalentine/sets/72157644825988036/ to see the photos. The album so far includes photos from Battlefield Line Railway, Great Central Railway, North Norfolk Railway and North Yorkshire Moors Railway.

I will leave you, with some of my favourite photos from each line so far!

Battlefield Line Railway


Great Central Railway


North Norfolk Railway


North Yorkshire Moors Railway


All these photos can also be found on a map @ www.flickr.com/photos/gsvalentine/sets/72157644825988036/map/. If you want to check out the locations they were taken at :).

North Norfolk Railway photos : 26-May-2014

Today Mark G and myself set off to another heritage railway line with Cooper the dog. This time we did the North Norfolk Railway. Here are some photos from another great day out :).

More photos from this set can be found @ www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/days-out/26-05-2014/

The Battlefield Line Railway photos : 25-May-2014

Another holiday weekend, can only mean one thing. Yep you guessed it! Another heritage railway line. This time Mark G and myself did The Battlefield Line Railway.

More photos from this set can be found @ www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/days-out/25-05-2014/

North Yorkshire Moors Railway photos : 04-May-2014

Today Mark and myself went to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway. I have done the line before, but not since I was maybe 14. If not younger. So very glad, that at long last I have done it again!

Here are some photos from the North Yorkshire Moors Railway. I will post photos of the rail trail walk between Goathland and Grosmont later…

More photos from this set can be found @ www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/days-out/04-05-2014/

List of heritage railways I have been on

After having so much fun on the Great Central Railway on Sunday. I have now made up a small list of the heritage railway lines, I have been on in the UK.

Check out the list so far @ www.gordon-valentine.com/travel/railways/uk-heritage-railways/.

Why not, tell me the ones you have been on? By commenting at the bottom of that page. We can then have mini competition to see who’s been on the most :).