Well that was a “fun” 14 mile cycle! It’s been sometime, since I stopped off mid-cycle and took some bondage/helpless type pics!
Sorry the lighting is not the best…. If I get some good feedback about these, I will take more very soon indeed!
WOW! My “other” website, Aka Wetsuitlads turned 20 years old today!!
I had been hoping to make a BIG of it! And take lots of new photos! But having to move house, put a STOP to that! I will make up it, later in year! So WATCH this space and of course, Wetsuitlads!
So here are some photos of myself from 2003, when I was only 23!
More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/me/2003/
Below are the top five most looked at photos on this website so far during May 2023.
Number 1 (67 views) : Synergy Navy Cycling Skinsuit
Number 2 (39 views) : Hunter inline skinsuit Team Britain 2018
Number 3 (38 views) : RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit
Number 4 (34 views) : RST Pro Series 1 Piece Leather Suit
Number 5 (28 views) : Synergy Red Cycling Skinsuit
Love these photos? Many more at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/me/2023/
Well, I was long overdue to get put in my Clejuso handcuffs! Just wish, it had been a cute lad putting me in them! Not the same, doing it yourself! 😉 😈
Here are some never seen before Adidas full body suit photos! Well, I’ve posted them else where… Just never on my own personal website before!
Many more can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/adidas-full-body-suit/
So who remembers these adidas full body suit photos from 2003?!?! Just to think, I was only 19 at the time! Where does the time go?!?!
P.S. I’ve just resized them! So you can see even more, in them! Not sure, if that’s a good thing or NOT! 😈
Tomorrow is International Fetish Day 2022!! Everyone knows, that I love the following…
So far 2022 for me Fetish wise, has got off to great start!
Check out www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/me/2022/ for even more photos!