Tag: Grand Union Canal

Grand Union Canal – Stoke Bruerne to Northampton ✅

That’s us just done another part of the Grand Union Canal. This time, we walked from Stoke Bruerne to Northampton. A distance of 9.79 miles. So only around 4 to 5 more days and I can say, I’ve walked all the way from London to Birmingham.

The route we took can be found over at www.strava.com/activities/2076296550

Here are some photos from day 10 of our Grand Union Canal walk.

More photos can be found over at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/england/grand-union-canal/

Grand Union Canal walk update : 13-Jan-2019

Since we started walking the Grand Union Canal, we have made it from London up to Northampton.

So far it’s taken us 10 days… That’s been broken up into the following…

Total distance so far: 115.56 miles.

Grand Union Canal walk update : 08-Jan-2019

Since we started walking the Grand Union Canal, we have made it from London up to Stoke Bruerne.

So far it’s taken us 9 days… That’s been broken up into the following…

Total distance so far: 105.77 miles.

Grand Union Canal walk update : 19-Nov-2018

Since we started walking the Grand Union Canal, we have made it from London up to Leighton Buzzard. So far it’s taken us 6 days… That’s been broken up into the following…

Total distance so far: 75.65 miles.

Great evening at Foxton Locks

Had great evening looking around Foxton Locks, with Mark and of course Cooper :).

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/england/foxton-locks/