Tag: Glasgow Subway

Loving the new rolling stock on the Glasgow Subway

Loving the new rolling stock on the Glasgow Subway.

Hard to believe that since the Glasgow Subway opened back, back in December 1896. It’s only just on it’s third-generation of rolling stock.

They new ones, are so nice! Way, way better than last generation were!

Myself at Partick subway station

Had a great afternoon with Neil in Glasgow!

Had a great afternoon in Glasgow… Well once, we found somewhere to park! Ended up driving around a lot… Then Neil was like, let’s park at Old Glasgow Transport Museum. Which worked out well. Plus just a short walk to the Kelvinhall subway station.

Oh and yes, Glasgow has a underground light metro system. Which opened on 14 December 1896, it is the fourth-oldest underground rail transit system in Europe after the London Underground, Liverpool’s Mersey Railway and the Budapest Metro.

Right back to afternoon in Glasgow. We just spend most of afternoon walking around. Doing lots of window shopping. But Neil, did get stuff in HMV. I had to stop myself, from getting stuff in the Lego Store.

We also went to The Crystal Palace, to get food! Yes, it’s a Wetherspoons!

Kelvinhall subway station

Partick subway station

Neil and myself making the most of the rain!

I also had fun on the Glasgow Subway

I also had fun on the Glasgow Subway. One of the best things, travelling with Nick, is you never know, what photos he’s going to take! Love seeing that amazing photos, he’s taken!

Also think he’s starting to get use to, travelling with me! Since, I like to always try and do has many things, that I can in a day! Not spend the whole time he’s pubs! We only went to one, during the whole time in Scotland and that was just to eat!

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/days-out/12-06-2019/

Nick’s first time on the Glasgow Subway

Look back to last week, when Nick got to use the Glasgow Subway for the very first time!

Still can’t believe, how many people, don’t know Glasgow has a underground. Which happens to be the third-oldest underground metro system in the world after the London Underground and the Budapest Metro.

Nick at St Enoch subway station
Nick at St Enoch subway station

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/days-out/12-06-2019/

Great day in Glasgow!

I had a great day in Glasgow getting lots of photos and seeing friends! The weather also turned out to be that nice, I am getting to get a tan!

Bridge to Nowhere (Anderston Footbridge)

The first 4 photos show the ‘Bridge to Nowhere’. Check out www.sustrans.org.uk/news/bridge-nowhere-finally-going-everywhere-1 to see to see why it was called the ‘Bridge to Nowhere.’

Various photos around Glasgow

Video : Glasgow Underground 1975

I am so more of you will find this video very boring. But since I grow up in Glasgow and I love this sort of stuff. It’s a look at the Glasgow Underground. 17th February 1975.

I am sure many of you, will not even know that Glasgow got a underground system. It’s also the third-oldest underground system in the world after the London Underground and the Athens Metro.


Big thanks to the Glasgow Subway for posting a link to this post on there facebook page, or I may have never found it!