Tag: Garmin Edge 1000

Second cycle of May 2022

Happy days! Just been out another cycle! So glad the weather is staring to warm up! I did 20.79 miles!

You can, check out the route at www.strava.com/activities/7092484881

P.S. Here is the one and only photo from the cycle! Which everyone was loving on Instagram and Twitter. I’ve got, no idea why 😈

Hunter inline skinsuit Team Britain 2018

Garmin Lifetime Totals – 22/05/2017

It’s been a slow news week, Gordon wise! So here are some “lifetime totals” from the Garmin Connect website.

The distance of course, includes cycling, running (what the hell is that!!) and all the walks, I’ve done over the last number of years!

I’ve collected the data using my Garmin Edge 705, Garmin Edge 100 and the Garmin Vivoactive HR GPS Smart Watch.

First cycle to work of 2016, DONE!

Garmin Edge 1000 - 10-08-2016That’s the first cycle to work of 2016, done at long last! The cycle took 1:35:53 (h:m:s), which is not bad going, since it’s 23.8 miles. My average speed was 14.9 mph. So the best average speed for any cycle so far this year!

Just hoping the weather is good again on Friday, so I can do it all over again!

You can check out the full statistics from the cycle at www.strava.com/activities/671282421.

First ride – Specialized Crosstrail Sport Disc ’16

At long last, I got out my first ride on my new bike. I got my Specialized Crosstrail Sport Disc ’16 on Tuesday from Edinburgh Bicycle Co-Operative. But I’ve had a cold/flu but thing most of the week! So going out on it, would not have been a good idea! But so pleased, I’ve got to use it at long last!

I went for a 22.81 mile cycle ride! Making it the longest Saturday ride, I’ve done this year so far! Think I’ve already, falling in love with it!

Garmin Edge 1000