Tag: Garmin Connect

My active goals on the Garmin Connect website

It’s always a good idea, to set yourself some goals! Since it, can give you a reason, to get out of bed in the mornings! Also the more people you tell about them, the more likely you are to do them!

So here, are my current exercise goals on the Garmin Connect website. Please also check out my profile at connect.garmin.com/profile/gsvalentine.

Now own Garmin Index Smart Scale

In my goal to try losing some weight, I now own some Garmin Index Smart Scale. They set me back £89.99, so far, I am more than pleased with them!

Now I just need, to try to remember, to weight myself every day and keep looking at my Garmin Connect profile. Goal is getting my weight back down to around 10.5 stone then, I will be happy again!

Garmin Index Smart Scale

Garmin Index Smart Scale

Here is today’s data off the Garmin Index Smart Scale…

I am getting fat??

If you follow me on facebook or twitter, you will no doubt, have read that message! That I got on Saturday, I let it get to me maybe more than I should have!

Then I did check my weight today and found out I am now 11 stone! Which, I am not best pleased about! So time, to get myself back down to 10.5 stone and I will be happy again!

So I am, just gone I and ordered some Garmin Index Smart Scale! Don’t ask much money they cost!! But it will be a good way, to keep checking my weight and uploading the data to my Garmin Connect profile at connect.garmin.com/modern/profile/gsvalentine.

Most steps in a week now stands at 133,357

That’s me just set a record on the Garmin Connect website. I’ve now set a new most steps in a week.

The new total stands at 133,357, for the week from the 28 Auguest to 3 September  2017.

Most Steps in a Month : August 2017

That’s me just set even more personal records on the Garmin Connect website. I’ve just set a new, most steps in a month! So far done 443,906 steps this month and August is not even over yet!

Also my longest goal streak now stands at 115 days!!

Most steps in a day now stands at 36,769

That’s me just set a new personal record on the Garmin Connect website. I’ve now set a new most steps in a day, which now stands 36,769.

So well and truly beat the record I set last Sunday of 29,403 steps.

Then I guess that is what happens, when you do a 16.2 mile walk on Cooper Day! Don’t believe me? Then check out the walk at www.strava.com/activities/1132163576.