That’s me just set a new personal record on the Garmin Connect website. My most steps in a day, now stands 42,124.
Most steps in a day now stands at 40,196
That’s me just set a new personal record on the Garmin Connect website. My most steps in a day, now stands 40,196. That’s what you get when you walk the Crinan Canal in both directions, a distance of around 20 miles!
50-Mile Ride and Climber 3 badges on Garmin Connect
That’s me just got another two new badges on Garmin Connect. This time 50-Mile Ride and Climber 3 (2,000 feet during a cycling activity).
I’ve got even more badges on Garmin Connect
That’s me got 13 new badges on Garmin Connect, since 6th April! How many more, can I get before the month is out?
Loving the Garmin Connect Badges
I am loving the new Badges that you can collect on the Garmin Connect, which is fast becoming much better than Strava!!
Most steps in a day now stands at 37,339
That’s me just set a new personal record on the Garmin Connect website. I’ve now set a new most steps in a day, which now stands 37,339.
Distance totals : 22 Jan – 28 Jan 2018
Here are my distance totals between 22 Jan – 28 Jan 2018. I’ve done 37.9 miles of walking and 86 miles of cycling.
Here are some more weekly statistics from the app:-
- 14 walks – 37.9 miles.
- 4 cycles – 86 miles.
- Daily average steps – 16,577.
- Average resting heart rate – 55.
- Average weight – 149.5 lbs.
First weigh-in of 2018!
Yep my Garmin Connect stats show how, ill I was…
You can see by the data below from my Garmin Connect profile, just how ill I was!!
In the last 7 days, I only did 6.1 miles of recording walking. When most weeks, it’s around 25 to 30 miles! Also my weekly step avg, was very poor indeed!
Updated my End to End cycle profile on Garmin Connect
I’ve just updated my End to End cycle profile on the Garmin Connect website! Please make sure you check it out @