Just a sideshow of my favourite photos from the End to End cycle that I did back in 2009.
Updated the End to End cycle (JOGLE) website
Today I have mainly been working on my End to End cycle (JOGLE) website. Mainly just been adding some new pages, fixing errors etc. Also trying to get it back to the top of main search engines. It also use to be on the first page of google. But now it’s dropped to the second page :(.
Oh and another reason I am updating the website. I have made up my mind, I really want to do the cycle again!! Did it way back in August 2009. So my goal is to do it again next year (2015)!!
Watch this space!!!
Please all check out the End to End cycle (JOGLE) website @ www.endtoend-cycle.com and let me know what you think!
Vlog: Peterborough to London cycle
I know this vlog is very old indeed! Filmed it back in July 2008. While Mike and myself were in train for the End to End cycle. It was hosted on our join YouTube channel, which Mike deleted it, without asking me! So was about about time I re-uploaded it to my own YouTube channel!
Watch our vlog, to see if we made it all the way to London…
Just renewed endtoend-cycle.com
I am sure that most of you will know that I cycled from John O’Groats to Land’s End (JOGLE) way back in August 2009. I have just renewed the domain for the website went with the cycle for another 3 years. At a cost of £46.96 and that’s with a 10% off.
If you have never checked out my End to End cycle website, please do so!!
John O’Groats to Land’s End (JOGLE) cycle 2011

As I am sure most of your know I did the End2End cycle during August 2009 and this year I am hoping to do it again 🙂 Yes I want to do the 990 mile cycle all over again. I had so much doing it, I want to do it again. Also this time, I want to remember it for all the right reason, like not getting dumping during it.
All doing to plain I will be doing it from Sunday 7th August 2011 to Monday 22nd August 2011, check out the End to End cycle website, for full list of dates. Still not 2 sure what charity I am doing it for this time. So if you have any ideas please let me know! Right now I am thinking of doing it for Help for Heroes.
Also till got no idea who I am doing the cycle with, was going to be a group of us from working doing it, but most of them have pulled out, saying they have no money to do it. I think it’s just they don’t want to get showing up by a gay person :P.
Please check out the End to End cycle, to see photos, stats and much more from the 2009 cycle.
Vlog: Doing the End2End cycle?
Thinking of doing the End2End cycle this year? Then I want to hear about it.
Monday – 22rd February 2010
I am well happy it looks like all my hard work I did on the End to End cycle website last week has paid off, it’s now listed in the top 7 search results of google, if you search for “end to end cycle“. Oh and lots of people have emailed me and asked, why I have been doing so much work to the End to End website, well that is easy, I am planning on doing the cycle again in 2011 or 2012. So I want one of the best End to End cycle website’s on the net, before that happens 🙂
Tuesday – 16th February 2010
I spend most of the day moving the End to End cycle website, to it’s own hosting space. Up till now it’s been hosting using hosting space on this website. Mean as meant the URL’s for the website have not been the most. The main URL was www.endtoend-cycle.co.uk, then any sub page had to have www.gordon-valentine.com/endowed/ in them. Meant that trying to get filled on the first page on google, when search for “end to end cycle” just did not happen. It was showing up on something like page 4.
Now I am sure, I will get it listed on page one, with of course my aim being to get it listed in at least the first 5 search results. I am more then sure I can do it 🙂
In other End to End cycle website news, I also added a new photo gallery system, so you can now view the photos in a slideshow, even better if you have Cooliris installed, you can view the photos in a 3D Wall which is well cool! To try it out goto www.endtoend-cycle.com/photos/ then click on “[View with PicLens]”. You will need to have the Cooliris addon installed, which works with Google Chrome, Firefox and IE.
Sunday – 7th February 2010
I spent most of the day giving my End to End cycle website the biggish updated, it’s ever had. So please can you check it out and let me know what you think of it, by posting comments here. To the left you can see a screen dump of what it use to look like and what it looks like now.
In other news, very sad news. One of my next door neighbours dogs has died. So spend a good number of hours with her, checking that she is OK. It’s never nice having to say good bye to a dog, he was about 13 and half years old.
Friday – 5th February 2010
Sorry about the lack of updates. Just not really been doing much, other then cycling and working, so not really had anything to blog about. But today, I have got some new stuff to tell you, it’s about the End to End cycle, that I did in August last year. I have just updated it’s website and added full End to End cycle statistics and heart rate data. I am planning in the process of starting to planning to do it again. All going to plain I am hoping to do it again in 2011 or 2012. This time, I am going to try to get a group of at least 4-6 people doing it.