Tag: Emilie H

My main highlights of 2021…

Here are my main highlights from 2021 so far… Overall been a great year!

Mark G, Cooper and myself at Berney Arms railway station

  • Got a new job, after being out work since September 2020 (Lost that after just 3 months).
  • Got to see my friend Mark T for first time, in a long time!
  • Got to see my Mum, Dad and brother Douglas for first time, since January 2020.
  • Walked around Rutland Water, with Emilie.
  • Got another new job…. Which I am still doing now and LOVING IT!
  • Walked a total of 1,000 miles, yet again!
  • Ticked off Berney Arms railway station, which has been on list to do for a long time!
  • Went up to Scotland! Was great seeing the rest of my family and catching up with Neil!
  • Did the Borders Railway Line (Ticked off each and every station on the line!)
  • Cycled just over 3,000 miles!

Sure, I will have missed many off! Just been a super busy year!