OMG! Loving the Hornby Coca-Cola Wagon! Really, really big thanks to person that got it off, my amazon wishlish!!! You would not believe, just how much that has cheered me up!! Love you lots!!! xx
Coopers Junction : update 06-Dec-2021
So sorry, I’ve not posted any news from Coopers Junction is a long, long time! Just not really had the time to do much with it, over the last number of months! Just been so busy, cycling, walking and of course doing lots of overtime at work!
In last number of months, I did get the 66773 ‘Pride of GB Railfreight’, along with FEA-S intermodal wagon 640689 in GBRf blue and three 45′ container “24” in Stobart Rail “Less Co2” livery! Which had to be done, since I work for Tesco!
Just ordered 66773 ‘Pride of GB Railfreight’
Now that winter is just around the corner. It’s time to start doing more with Coopers Junction model railway layout. So just ordered the 66773 ‘Pride of GB Railfreight’ should get it in next day or so!
Dream railway rolling stock
Here is mini list my dream railway rolling stock for Coopers Junction. What do you think?!?!?