Tag: Class 43

Better join in with posting Class 43/InterCity 125 photos

Since everyone else is going mad posting Class 43/InterCity 125 photos! I better join in! Here are some of my favourite ones…

Grantham railway station

Stirling railway station

Old, meets new at Grantham railway station

Many more photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/trains/class-43/

Vlog: Coopers Junction model railway

Welcome to first ever vlog about Coopers Junction model railway. Also showing off the Hornby Loco R3903 ScotRail, Class 43 HST, Power Cars 43021 and 43132 ‘A New Era’ which has been fitted with DCC Sound.

InterCity 125 passes Elton and Orston railway station

Today Mark T and myself went to Elton and Orston railway station, which is the least used station in Nottinghamshire. To watch the one of the Summer Saturday HST specials to Skegness.

Mark T and myself at Elton and Orston railway station
InterCity 125 passing Elton and Orston railway station
InterCity 125 passing Elton and Orston railway station

Let’s Go Round Again | The LNER HST Farewell Tour

So glad, that I went to Grantham railway station on Saturday the 21st of December 2019. To see the LNER HSTs, branded as ‘Let’s Go Round Again’. A 2+7 set was fully repainted into the original InterCity125 livery and the powercars (43206 and 43312) were re-numbered to 253003 and 253029.

It’s the first time, in my life I’ve seen a HST set in it’s original livery. So glad, that myself and around 100 others went to Grantham railway station to get some photos!

More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/railway-stations/grantham/

Looking forward to Highland Chieftain

So looking forward to last ever trip on a HST on the ECML. Getting the train from Grantham up to York (which I believe, will be a InterCity 225), then boarding the Highland Chieftain service, which will be operated by diesel-powered InterCity 125 High Speed Train for the very last time! Going all the way up to Inverness.

 Class 43 at Grantham railway station

This will be my third time using the Highland Chieftain service. Really, really looking forward to it!

Once up in Inverness, hoping to do the Far North Line, for the very first time!

LNER’s HSTs enter final weeks in service

Sad to know, that in the next number of weeks, all of LNER’s HSTs will be coming off the ECML. Really going to miss, seeing and of course hearing the Class 43’s, powering up and down the line.

InterCity 125 at Grantham railway station

LNER Class 43 at Grantham railway station

Old, meets new at Grantham railway station

Class 43 at Grantham railway station

Many more photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/trains/class-43/

LNER Class 43 at Stirling railway station

LNER Class 43 at Stirling railway station, which also happened to be my ride between Edinburgh Haymarket and Stirling.

Also very sad, this could well be my very last trip on LNER Class 43 in Scotland. Since from the 9th December, the London King’s Cross – Inverness LNER route, will change over to the Azuma service (Class 800).

LNER Class 43 at Stirling railway station

LNER Class 43 at Stirling railway station

LNER Class 43 at Stirling railway station

Loving getting trains from Stirling railway station

Do really, love getting trains from Stirling railway station! Great place to see InterCity 125s and the new Class 385 trains.

More photos can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/railway-stations/stirling/

More London King’s Cross railway station photos

Here are some more photos, I took at London King’s Cross railway station this week…

More photos from this set can be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/railway-stations/london-kings-cross/