I asked people via my facebook fan page (www.facebook.com/gordonval). Which Lycra I should wear for this afternoons cycle. Most of you went for green Lycra! So here are some photos, I took during today’s 16.29 mile cycle.
Garmin Virb Elite still images
Cannondale Pro Cycling Team kit photos : 30-Jul-2014
Vlog: Lycra and Dairy Milk Strawberries & Creme
Out a cycle in Lycra and trying Cadbury Dairy Milk Strawberries and Creme for the very first time (It’s tastes GREAT BTW!). What could be better?
Vlog: Last Lycra vlog of June 2014
It maybe the last Lycra vlog of June 2014, but tomorrow is a whole new month! So get them ideas coming in…
Vlog: What an interesting day that was…
That turned out to be a very interesting day in Cambridge. Had to ring 999 (police). About a man walking about with blood all over this face and a knife.
Cannondale Pro Cycling Team kit photos : 23-Jun-2014
Vlog: Another Cannondale Pro Cycling Team Kit vlog
Really hope that your enjoying, all these new vlogs! If you have any ideas, what I should wear or talk about in my next one. Then do let me know!
Vlog: What cycling gear to get next?
Speaking about what cycling gear, I should get next! Just not the team Sky gear, find it very boring. Also don’t like anything at all to do with Sky. Please do comment here and let me know!
Vlog: No idea what is up with my body!
I have no idea what is with my body right now. Keep going from one thing to another.