Tag: Campsie Fells

Favourite photos from January 2020

Here are my favourite photos from January 2020… Please do give the photos a comment! 🙂

Walking up the Campsie Fells
Walking up the Campsie Fells
Myself at Edinburgh Waverley railway station
Myself at Edinburgh Waverley railway station
Mind your head!
Mind your head!
O'Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit
O’Neill 5/4 Mutant wetsuit

Check out www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/page/archive/2020-01/ for all my other photos from January 2020.

January 2020 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website during January 2020.

Number 1 (31 views) : Loch Lomond
Loch Lomond

Number 2 (28 views) : Pup play at Loch Lomond
Pup play at Loch Lomond

Number 3 (27 views) : adidas Varilite Down Hooded Jacket
adidas Varilite Down Hooded Jacket

Which colour of down jacket is better?

Which of my adidas Varilite Down Hooded Jackets you do like the most? The blue or back one? Vote below!

[poll id=”15″]

adidas Varilite Down Hooded Jacket

More photos be be found at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/adidas-varilite-down-hooded-jacket/

Middle of January 2020 most popular photos

Below are the top three most looked at photos on this website during January 2020.

Number 1 (18 views) : Pots of Gartness
Pots of Gartness

Number 2 (15 views) : Ben Lomond
Ben Lomond

Number 3 (14 views) : Campsie Fells
Campsie Fells

Vlog: Last vlog of this decade!

WOW! It’s New Years Eve! Which means tomorrow, is the start of a new decade! Where has the last 10 years gone?

P.S. Yes I did film this vlog on the 31st December 2019. Only just got around to editing and uploading it!

Pup play up in Scotland!

Since I had my pup hood, new Regulation Piped Locking Leather Collar and wetsuit with me, in Scotland! I of course, had to make the most of the great outdoors and do some pup play photos! 🙂

More photos can be found at https://gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/pup-play/

Started 2020, by going up the Campsie Fells again!

That was, yet another great walk up the Campsie Fells. Was great starting the year, the way I ended it! This time, the walk was bit longer, I did 6.32 miles.

You can check out the route, at www.strava.com/activities/2973056429




Great walk up the Campsie Fells

What a great way to end 2019! By going a 5.6 mile walk up the Campsie Fells! The weather could not have been better! Was around 2C and very, very sunny! Could see for miles! Also was great seeing the mist over the covering, all of Loch Lomond.

You can check out the route, at www.strava.com/activities/2970769449