Tag: Bull Street

24 hours later at North Witham…

You would not think it’s the same place, in North Witham. I was at less than 24 hours ago. The River Witham has gone back down to a more of a normal level. Just to think yesterday it was up to 1.5 metres on that sign. This time, I could even cycle over the footbridge, like I normally do.

Ford, Church Street, North Witham
Ford, Church Street, North Witham
Ford, Church Street, North Witham

Flooding at North Witham

Here are some photos I took of the flooding at North Witham, Lincolnshire. During today’s mini 26.26 mile cycle. Just to think, I normally cycle down that road and over the footbridge next to the ford.  The footbridge, was just about fully under the water!

Check out en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Witham to see what the ford normally looks like.

Church Street, Ford, North Witham
Church Street, Ford, North Witham
Bull Lane, North Witham
Bull Lane, North Witham