Tag: Brexit

Vlog: Why I am voting for the Liberal Democrats

It’s the 2019 European elections! Which could, very well be the UK’s last! So please make it count! Watch to find out, why I am voting for the Liberal Democrats, for the first time in my life.

I’m voting Liberal Democrat in the European Elections #StopBrexit

For the first time, in my life, I will voting for the Liberal Democrats! I strongly believe, voting for them is the only way we can stop brexit.

I want to remain in Europe and protect our economy, public services and our environment.

Vlog: Go Ape, Jake Bugg and Pride in London

Speaking about some of the many things, I’ve been up to last week! Went to Go Ape, went to see Jake Bugg, also went to Pride in London!

Plus chatting about what happened in the US and also about Brexit!