Tag: Be a better you!

Now done 86% of #walk1000miles – 2023

That’s me already done 86% of #walk1000miles. So 866.36 miles down and 133.64 miles remaining!

walk1000miles - 2023

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine

Now done 80% of #walk1000miles – 2023

That’s me already done 80% of #walk1000miles. So 800.14 miles down and 199.86 miles remaining!

walk1000miles - 2023

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine

VeloViewer Infographic : 12 June 2023 @veloviewer

WOW! So far during 2023, I’ve done 950 miles of exercise. Which is made up of 162 miles of cycling and 788 miles of walking.

Just about half way in June and I’ve still not been out a single cycle this month!!

Where it says running… That’s my walking data!

Now done 76% of #walk1000miles – 2023

That’s me already done 76% of #walk1000miles. So 760.96 miles down and 239.04 miles remaining!

walk1000miles - 2023

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine

Now done 74% of #walk1000miles – 2023

That’s me already done 74% of #walk1000miles. So 740.06 miles down and 259.94 miles remaining!

walk1000miles - 2023

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine

Now done 72% of #walk1000miles – 2023

That’s me already done 72% of #walk1000miles. So 720.16 miles down and 279.84 miles remaining!

walk1000miles - 2023

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine

Now done 70% of #walk1000miles – 2023

That’s me already done 70% of #walk1000miles. So 706.55 miles down and 293.45 miles remaining!

walk1000miles - 2023

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine

Now done 68% of #walk1000miles – 2023

That’s me already done 68% of #walk1000miles. So 680.77 miles down and 319.23 miles remaining!

walk1000miles - 2023

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine

Now done 66% of #walk1000miles – 2023

That’s me already done 66% of #walk1000miles. So 660.26 miles down and 339.74 miles remaining!

walk1000miles - 2023

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine

Now done 64% of #walk1000miles – 2023

That’s me already done 64% of #walk1000miles. So 640.57 miles down and 359.43 miles remaining!

walk1000miles - 2023

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at www.strava.com/athletes/gsvalentine