Tag: BBC Olympics

5 live Olympics Extra on DAB Radio

Oh here is some more good news for people in the UK with DAB digital radio. The BBC will have an extra DAB service called BBC Radio 5 live Olympics Extra during the games.

Check out www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/aboutthebbc/2012/05/delivering-to-you-the-bbcs-gre.shtml for more information.

So really hope, the new DAB Aerial for my Pure Highway car radio turns up soon. Only taken me a year to ordered a new one, after I broke it.

BBC Olympics HD coverage

So glad I have Freesat+ HD, means I will have 24 extra free HD channels, for the Olympics. The only down side, I can only record two channels at once. So making up my mind what to record is going to be hard work!!

Check out www.freesat.co.uk/bbc-olympics for more information.

Since the Olympics, is just over a week away. You still have time to buy yourself a Freesat HD box! Prices start at £70 for standard HD box or £165 for a Freesat+ HD box. You will of course need a working satellite dish. Check out www.freesat.co.uk/how-to/use-your-sky-dish for more information.