Tag: bar supervisor

We now sell these at the Peterborough Greyhound Stadium…

You can tell it’s been a slow week, when I start getting excited that we now sell Strongbow Cloudy Apple Cider and Caledonian Coast to Coast Pale Ale at Peterborough Greyhound Stadium, my place of work!

And of the course the funny thing, is that I don’t even drink. A bar supervisor that does not drink, can’t be many of them about!

Oh and want to see more fun photos that I’ve taken at the Peterborough Greyhound Stadium over the years? Then check out at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/peterborough-greyhound-stadium/

13 years at the Peterborough Greyhound Stadium

OMG! I can’t believe it! I started working at the Peterborough Greyhound Stadium on the 19th April 2003. Meaning I’ve been there for a full 13 years!! Where has that time gone???

I will leave you with some photos taken over the years at work…

Red Nose Day 2005
Red Nose Day 2005

Children In Need 2006
Children In Need 2006

Children In Need 2008
Children In Need 2008

Children In Need 2009
Children In Need 2009

Bar team 2011
Bar team 2011

Children In Need 2011
Children In Need 2011

Sports Relief 2014
PBK Team Long Sleeve Skinsuit 2009

Hard at work!
Hard at work!

Children In Need 2014
Children In Need 2014 @ theDogs

I really do hate job hunting!

Why, oh why is job hunting just so boring??? Don’t get my wrong I love my current job. Just I really need a job with more hours. Can’t really live on just doing 15 hours a week. Yes, you heard me right just 15 hours! Even if I could get my hours up to 25 hours a week. I would be more than happy. But I already do the maximum number of hours I can at my current job. Since they are only open 3 nights a week.

As much, as I love my current job.  Which is a bar supervisor at the Peterborough Greyhound Stadium. I have been working at the dog track for just over 10 years. I only started working there, while I tried to sort my life out. 10 years later. I am still there.

So it’s about time, I move on and try to set myself some new goals in life…

This time next year. I want to have another job, even if it’s another one on top of my current job.

Oh and I have been looking at www.syha.org.uk/about-us/job-vacancies.aspx a lot for jobs! So yes, I may even move back to Scotland!!

My LinkedIn profile

Please can you all check out my LinkedIn profile at www.linkedin.com/in/gsvalentine. If you have no idea what LinkedIn is. It’s an online professional network designed to help members find jobs, connect with other professionals.

At long last, I have make up my mind, I really need to sort my life out and get another job. So I am hoping using the LinkedIn website may help somewhat with that.

Right now I am mainly looking for work along the same lines that I currently do. So mainly bartending in the Grantham, Oakham, Peterborough and Stamford areas of the UK.

Thursday – 11th November 2010

Opps not done a update in a good while. Not really done much at all today, did get some good news about job at the Peterborough Greyhound Stadium, which means a bit more money 🙂 Which I am going to put towards doing End to End cycle, which I am hoping to do again, August next year. The other main news of the day is that I watched a new DVD called Tan Lines, that turned up from amazon.co.uk. It was a good film, still not really too sure what to make of it, so need to watch it again.