Tag: Adidas Team GB 2016 Cycling Jersey

October 2023 most popular photos

Below are the top five most looked at photos on this website during October 2023.

Number 1 (602 views) : Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle
Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

Number 2 (523 views) : Synergy Swimrun wetsuit
Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Number 3 (370 views) : Synergy Swimrun wetsuit
Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Number 4 (240 views) : Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle
Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle

Number 5 (252 views) : Fetters Padded Leather Muzzle
Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Love these photos? Many more at www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/me/2023/

What’s this? Yes, yet another wetsuited cycle!

Yes, since it’s now much colder here in the UK. It gives me a great reason to start wearing a wetsuit while out cycling!

You can check out the route at www.strava.com/activities/8066774701

Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

Synergy Swimrun wetsuit

What happened to forecast rain?!?!

What happened to forecast rain?!?! It was due to rain here and get lots of it! What really happened, it lasted for like 10 mins max then stopped!

So not often you hear me say this…. But I was looking forward to getting nice and wet during a cycle!

You can check out the route at www.strava.com/activities/7647979792

Oh and yes, that first photo is rain on my Lycra!! So get that idea, out of your head!! 😈

Synergy Gunmetal Trisuit

adidas Team GB 2016 Cycling Jersey

First cycle of August 2022

Just done my first cycle of August 2022 and it was a good one! I did 34 miles, of which 6.26 miles were on roads, I’ve never cycled on before!

You can check out the route at www.strava.com/activities/7583054055

adidas Team GB 2016 Cycling Jersey

adidas Team GB 2016 Cycling Jersey

adidas Team GB 2016 Cycling Jersey

First cycle of May 2022

That’s me just done my first cycle of May 2022! I did 23.83 miles, so more than pleased with that! Goal is at least 250 to 300 miles this month! Let’s see what happens…

You can, check out the route at www.strava.com/activities/7076162707

Myself at Great Ponton

Geocaching around Morkery Wood

That was a great afternoon cycling around Morkery Wood and doing some Geocaching at the same time! I found another 13, which takes my total up to, 355 since 2008! Should find at least 500 to 600 before the years is out!

You can check out the route, I took over at strava.com/activities/2318271663

adidas Team GB 2016 replica kit
adidas Team GB 2016 replica kit

Another good cycle, just a bit HOT!

That was another good cycle, it just was a bit on the HOT side! Was around 27C for most of it! Really should have put sun tan lotion on before setting off on the cycle, not during it! Also only had one bottle with me! Which in that heat was, not the best idea in the world!

But, I still ended up doing 33.1 miles, which I am more than happy with! As always you can check the route at www.strava.com/activities/686248040.

adidas Team GB 2016 cycling jersey

adidas Team GB 2016 cycling jersey

More Lycra, public places + handcuffs!

Since the last set of Lycra in public places + handcuffs, went down so well! I went with my handcuffs and did even more photos! Also wore my adidas Team GB 2016 Cycling Jersey, while out cycling for the very first time! Hoping to get the Lycra shorts, to go with them, very soon indeed!

adidas Team GB 2016 Cycling Jersey

Lycra + handcuffs

Lycra + handcuffs