Tag: 34SP

Moving to a new server (9th January 2013)

34SP logoI got the following email from my host last week.

“As part of an ongoing programme to improve the service we deliver to you, we will be migrating your professional hosting account for gordon-valentine.com from the server currently powering it to a more powerful, up to date server.

As part of this move, Plesk will no longer be involved as the control panel on your server and all changes to your account can be made through our control panel.

Your website will be unavailable for up to an hour next Wednesday 9th January 2013.

E-mail will not be affected during this move.”

So when you can’t access this website for a number of hours today at some point you know why.

Photo gallery issues : 17/12/2012

Right now the photo gallery system is having issues. If you go to www.gordon-valentine.com/zenphoto/ and then try to view a photo. You will be showing the following message “You don’t have permission to access
> /zenphoto/*FILENAME*.jpg.php on this server.

Then you will be locked out of this website for around 10 minutes.

I have been in contact with my host, 34SP.com, who are trying to work out what is going on.

I will post again, when I have more news on this issue.

Gordon Valentine's homepage | Gallery

Website been playing up (24/04/2012)

Sorry about my website being off-line for most of the morning. The server: prohost7.34sp.com that this website is hosting on has been playing up. I believe that 34SP has fixed the problem. Going by their status page anyway.

But I don’t believe that at all. Since it took me around 15 minutes, just to get this post on-line. Because the website kept going off-line.