Thursday – 14th November 2002

God what a long day, it has been I got up at 7:00am. Then helped Mark put computer’s in his car that he needs for doing a training course. Then he give me a lift to Stamford train station. So that I could get the 7:50am train to Liverpool Lime Street station, to spent a long weekend with my boyfriend David.

The train journey went not too bad, for once. I did not have to change at Birmingham New Street station, which made a nice change. The train was still late getting into Liverpool, but only by about 25 minutes.

When I got there my boyfriend David was waiting, it was great to see him again. I now know that this is going to be fun weekend.

In the evening I had some fun taken photos of David wearing some sexy very gear. He liked wearing my England Away top, don’t think that he really liked wearing my running suit. No idea why, because he looked so hot in it.

Sunday – 8 July 2001

I am so glad that last week is over, and done with. I would have to say that it has been the worst week, of the year so far.

But at least the money that I put into Killearn on the Web website has worked out. The website has never had so many people looking at it. I have been playing about with all the cgi scripts on it. Because I found out that the guestbook was not fully working. Well that’s what you get when you make something go live, before you fully test it.

Tuesday – 3 July 2001

I found out that one of my friends who I let use my laptop, has been going though personal files on my hard drive and looking at them. Which is not on at all. So I have had to change all my passwords and change all the security on Windows 2000, to make sure that it will not happen again. I have a lot of things on my hard drive that are for my eyes only. At least I know who I can trust using my laptop when I am not about, and it will not be him.

But on to the better things, yesterday I found that my boyfriends passed this college course, and did better then he thought that he would. So he can now go to Uni. I would like to say very, very well done Barry. See I told you that you would do it. xoxoxox

Friday – 29 June 2001

Payday… Yes!!!!! I can now do lots, and lots of shopping. Well I can once I have posed the cheque, to my bother Craig to get him to put it into the Bank of Scotland for me. One day I will get around to getting an English Bank account.

At long last I have I got around to getting my home village of Killearn website sorted out. I have just paid for 100mb of web space, which is going to cost me £149 per year. But I think that it is well worth the money.

Friday – 22 June 2001

I ordered a 16 port switched hub so that, at long last I get my entire network upgraded to 10/100. I only got two new network cards, because the ones that I had were only 10. I should have it all fully working by Monday if all goes to plan.

Tonight I went a walk down with glen, with Mum and Dad. To give us some time together to catch up a bit, will all that has been going on in my life. Well most of it anyway.

Thursday – 21 June 2001

I am sitting on the train has I type this. I nearly missed the train if I had been 1 min later I would not have made it. I am going up to Glasgow for the weekend to see family, friends and also to go to Pride Scotland in Edinburgh on Saturday. Plus do lots and lots of shopping.

Anyway back to the rest of the day. Today has not been too bad, got a lot done at work, which is good. I was mainly working on course manuals for IBT 2 and also updating their website which can be found at

Tuesday – 12 June 2001

It has just been one of them days, where you wish you could have waking up, and it was all just a bad dream. It’s a long story I don’t really want to get into right now. It’s days like today, I will what I was up in Glasgow with friends to speak to, I am not saying that I don’t have any friends down here. I have lots of great friends here, its just days, like today I really need to speak to friends that I have knowing for a long time.

The best thing to happen today has always is getting to speak to Barry my boyfriend on the phone for about 1 hour. I can’t wait to a go to Birmingham this weekend to see him. We’re going to have so much fun. I have not seen him in well over 1 week.

Saturday – 9 June 2001

At long last I went out on my bike today. I have had it down with me in England for a while, but I have never got around to using it. I cycled to Stamford from Little Bytham, and back again. Oh and of course it rained when I was out, lucky it was not too wet.