Vlog: One interview…
Had just one interview…. You need to watch the vlog and find out what happens! Oh and wearing my leathers, since so many people keep asking me to wear them!
Vlog: Apply for two jobs, get one interview!
Really pleased with myself, only applied for two jobs so far and get one interview. Doubt, I will get it. Just over the moon. I’ve got an interview! Other than job hunting been, doing lots of cycling and walking! P.S. Yes wearing a wetsuit…
Vlog: First vlog in 4K along with the new mic!
Happy days! This time, I did remember to bring my new mic with me! In this new vlog, just speaking about all the cycling, I’ve done so far in 2021. When I’ve last seen my family and lots of other things.
Vlog: Coopers Junction model railway
Welcome to first ever vlog about Coopers Junction model railway. Also showing off the Hornby Loco R3903 ScotRail, Class 43 HST, Power Cars 43021 and 43132 ‘A New Era’ which has been fitted with DCC Sound.
Vlog: First 4K vlog of 2021
First ever 4K vlog, filmed using my new Sony FDR-AX53 Ultra HD 4K Compact Camcorder! Still working out, which are the best settings to use on camera etc. So they will get better given time!
Vlog: First Wetsuitlads vlog of 2021
First Wetsuitlads vlog of 2021! Hoping to start doing these more often! Got any ideas, do let me know!
Vlog: The first vlog of 2021!
Welcome to 2021, or is it 2020 part 2? Not fully sure. Just speaking about cycling, the new mic that I got! Also getting a 4K video camera!
The new mic is RØDE VideoMic, which cost £89 from amazon. The 4K camera that is on order is the Sony AX53 4K Handycam® again from amazon, costing £629! But full price was, £699! Saved £70!
Vlog: What a year 2020 was! Full of highs and lows
What a year 2020 was! It was full of highs and lows. It started off great, going to Isle of Wight, Wales, Ramsgate Tunnels. Then of course lockdown started… Lost my job… One of best mates passed away. So lets hope, that 2021 starts off better than 2020 ended…
Vlog: Jamie you will be missed! Plus 4,000 miles on the bike
First of all speaking about one of my best friends who passed away. Jamie, I will never forget you! You was a very, very big part of my life!
At long, last done 4,000 miles of cycling this year. Oh and I got the bridge number wrong! It was not 17 or 27. Turned out it was bridge #18 on Bourne to Saxby railway line