Category: End to End

End to End cycle photos from 2009!

Still can’t believe it was way back in August 2009, that I did the End to End cycle. So will be 5 years ago this coming August. No idea where the last 5 years have gone?

I still really want to the End to End cycle again at some point! Just need to find some fit lads to do it with me!! When I say fit, I mean good looking! Any offers???

More photos from this set can be found at

End to End cycle photos on flickr

Can’t believe it was way back in August 2009, that I did the End to End cycle. So just over 4 years ago. Now for the first time ever, you can view the full sized photos from the cycle on my flickr account at

Looking at all these photos. Really makes me want to do the End to End cycle again! Just need to find some fit lads to do it with me!! Any offers???

Us at the start of the End to EndDounreay nuclear power station

Resting at the Bettyhill viewpointP8090072

P8100106Carbisdale Castle

Dornoch FirthNear Glencoe

P8190068Clifton suspension bridge

Sunday – 7th February 2010

I spent most of the day giving my End to End cycle website the biggish updated, it’s ever had. So please can you check it out and let me know what you think of it, by posting comments here. To the left you can see a screen dump of what it use to look like and what it looks like now.

In other news, very sad news. One of my next door neighbours dogs has died. So spend a good number of hours with her, checking that she is OK. It’s never nice having to say good bye to a dog, he was about 13 and half years old.

I made it from John O’Groats to Land’s End :)

I made it all the way from John O’Groats to Land’s End. I am, so, so proud of myself. It’s even more amazing, since I did well over half of the cycle by myself, since Mike pulled out of the End to End cycle and ended our 3 year relationship at the same time. It just goes to show that I am a lot stronger that I use to be.

You still have to to donate money to the National Autistic Society, via my justgiving page at You can also check out photos from the cycle at

Oh and also happy birthday to my wee brother Craig.

Thursday – 6th August 2009

Today Mike and myself had fun at the Peterborough Greyhound Stadium doing a photo shoot for the Peterborough Evening Telegraph for a news article that should be going in tomorrows ET about the End to End cycle that we’re doing. While there we also did some telephone interviews with Lite FM and Peterborough’s Heart FM but we’re not too sure when they will get aired.

Thursday – 25th June 2009

I have just gone and ordered myself a new bike from the Edinburgh Bicycle Co-Operative. It’s set me back £549.99, so thank god for credit cards. Which means to say it off, I do at least 9 days of teaching First Aid Courses and not the spend the money on anything else! As long, as I have paid at least half of it off before going End to End cycle in August I will be happy. I can’t wait till I get it, all going well I will have it, before the end of next week. The bike I have gone for is the Marin Muirwoods 29ER ’09.