Category: End to End

Tongue to Carbisdale Castle 8 year on

This time, 8 years ago I would have been cycling between Tongue to Carbisdale Castle. A distance of 47.9 miles. Still can’t believe that I did it!

Here is some breaking news, I’ve hoping to do it again in the summer of 2019! But can’t stay at Carbisdale Castle again, since it’s no longer a youth hostel! 🙁

You can check route between we took between Tongue to Carbisdale Castle at

8 years ago, started an adventure of a life time!

WOW! Was it really 8 years ago today, that I started an adventure of a life time? Yep it really was! On this day back in 2009, I started the first day of the End to End cycle. So in other words cycling all the way from John O’Groats at the top of mainland Scotland to Land’s End! A cycle of 990 miles, taken 16 days!

Here are some photos from day one, which took us from John O’Groats to Tongue a distance of 64.23 miles.

Mike and myself at John O'Groats

You can also check out the route we took at

7 year ago, finished the End to End cycle!

Can’t believe it, it was 7 years ago today, that I finished the End to End cycle, that took me all the way from John O’Groats at the top mainland Scotland all the way to Land’s End, at the very bottom of England!

The route was 990.30 miles and took 16 days, one of them being a rest day!

I would still, rate it has one the best things, I’ve ever done!

Thinking of doing it yourself? Then check out

Celebrating at Land’s End

Celebrating at Land’s End

7 year ago, cycling from Glencoe to Killearn

On this day, seven years ago. I would have been cycling all the way from Glencoe to Killearn! On day five of the End to End cycle.

So a number of years, I filmed part of the same route from car! I filmed the part between Glencoe and Tyndrum.

Carbisdale Castle to Loch Ness : 7 years ago

So this time 7 year ago, I would have been somewhere between Carbisdale Castle and Loch Ness, on the third day of the End to End cycle!

You can check out the third day of the route at

Tongue to Carbisdale Castle : 7 years ago

So 7 years ago today, I would have been cycling between Tongue and Carbisdale Castle, on day two of the End to End cycle!

You can check out the second day of the route at

WOW 7 year ago, set off on End to End cycle!

Still can’t believe that 7 years ago today, I set off on the End to End cycle! Which I would, still rate has one of the best things, I’ve done in my life!

Of, course it’s still something I would love to do again! Maybe next time, not get dumped while doing it! Well that would not be hard, since I am still very much single!! LOL! 🙂

You can check out the first day of the route, white took me from John O’Groats to Tongue at

Mike and myself at John O'Groats

End to End cycle data now on Strava

Celebrating at Land’s EndI’ve just updated the data from the End to End cycle that I did back in August 2009 to Strava.

Can’t believe the End2End cycle was five years ago

OMG! I can’t believe it was 5 years ago today, that I set off on the End to End cycle. Also means I have been single for a while 5 years! What is that all about????