Category: End to End

Finished the End to End cycle 11 years ago!

Would you believe it?!?!? It was a whole 11 years ago today, that I finished doing the End to End cycle. A cycle covering 990.30 miles, which of course took me from John O’Groats to Land’s End.

Even after 11 years, would still rate it has one of the best things, that I’ve ever done! Really hope, that one day, I get to it again!

Here are, just some of my favourite photos from the cycle.

Mike and myself at John O'Groats

Just after leaving the village of Glencoe on the fifth day of the End to End cycle

Clifton suspension bridge

#Celebrating at Land’s End

You can check out the route, I took below:-

Got Strava? Please give the following rides a kudos!

Got Strava? Please give the following rides a kudos! They are ones, from when I did the End to End cycle back in 2009. So back before Strava was even a thing! So uploaded the routes at a much later point….

Just after leaving the village of Glencoe on the fifth day of the End to End cycle

Carbisdale Castle to Loch Ness, 10 years on

This time, 10 years ago, I would have been cycling from Carbisdale Castle to Loch Ness. A distance of 63.13 miles, with an elevation gain of 1,100 metres.

Check out the route, over at and please do give me a kudos.

On the B9176, looking back towards Dornoch Firth

Loch Ness on the third day of the End to End cycle

Tongue to Carbisdale Castle 10 years on

This time, 10 years ago, I would have been cycling between Tongue to Carbisdale Castle. A distance of 45 miles, with an elevation gain of 873 metres.

Since doing the cycle, Carbisdale Castle is no longer a youth hostel. It closed it repair in 2011. But never reopened! 🙁

Check out the route, over at and please do give me a kudos.

Somewhere on the second day of the End to End cycle

Somewhere on the second day of the End to End cycle

Outside the Carbisdale Castle youth hostel

Peterborough Greyhounds jersey, still fits me!

WOW!! The Peterborough Greyhounds jersey, still fits me, 10 years after doing the End to End cycle.

Peterborough Greyhounds jersey

Peterborough Greyhounds jersey

More photos can be found at

John O’Groats to Tongue 10 years on

This time, 10 years ago, I would have been cycling between John O’Groats to Tongue. A distance of 64.22 miles, with an elevation gain of 1,237 metres. It was the first, time I had ever been to that part of Scotland and till this day, can’t believe how totally amazing the views were!

Check out the route, over at and please do give me a kudos. Only had two so far! That’s due to Strava, not being a thing back then!

Mike and myself at the unofficial sign post, John O'Groats

Mike and myself getting our photo taken at the start of the End to End cycle

Myself with Dounreay nuclear power station in the background

Somewhere on the first day of the End to End cycle

The John O’Groats to Land’s End route on Strava

Somewhere on the first day of the End to End cycleSorry, that I will be boring you all, with stuff about the End to End cycle, that I did 10 years ago… But still, all these years later, can’t believe that I did!

Do please feel, to check out route on Strava. Even, better why not give each day, a give kudos?!? Since, when I did the cycle, Strava was not even a thing!

10 years ago, I was in John O’Groats!

Would you believe it?!?! This time, 10 years ago, I would have been in John O’Groats. Which can only mean one thing. It was just one sleep, till I started doing the John O’Groats to Land’s End (JOGLE) cycle. Which took me from John O’Groats at the very top mainland Scotland, to Lands End at the very end of England. A distance of just over 990 miles.

I would, still rate it, as one of the best things, I’ve ever done! Maybe also one of the hardest. That’s the bit, I did need to speak about! I did make it all the way, to end, which is the main thing!

Do please, also check out my John O’Groats to Land’s End (JOGLE) website.

Still one cycling PR, I need to beat!

Celebrating at Land’s End There is one, cycling PR, I would love to beat and that is the biggest elevation gain in a single cycle!

Right now that stands at 1,634 metres. Which I set while doing the End to End cycle on day 8, which took me from Carlisle to Slaidburn!

You can check out the route at and