Author: gsvalentine

About gsvalentine

I am a 45-year-old guy, who lives in Melton Mowbray, in the East Midlands, England. I was born in Lancashire, England, during September 1979. Most people don’t believe me that I was born in England due to my strong Scottish accent. My star sign is Libra. I am 5’9” tall, 30″ waist, with blonde hair, which is sometimes short, sometimes long. I have light brown eyes. Which most people think are very sexy. I just don’t see it, myself.

Really did love each and every second of this!

Really did love each and every second of this! I was 100% under his control! No way, I could get out of the straitjacket, without his help!

The full length of this video is just over 3 minutes! Want to see the whole video?!?! Message me!

Now done 14% of Walk 1000 Miles – 2025

That’s me done 14% of the Walk 1000 Miles challenge. So 140.88 miles down and 859.12 miles remaining!

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at

Another short clip of myself all helpless inside my Neoprene sleepsack

I’ve been having a look and believe it or not. Only got one video of myself, while all helpless inside my Neoprene sleepsack.

So here is another short clip from that video, filmed all the way back in August 2013.

Neoprene sleepsack and hooded

Oh and yes, for people asking. I still have the Neoprene sleepsack. Just not sure, I would fit it now. Even back in 2013 it was a tight fit… I’ve put on a bit of weight since…

OMG! Loved being all helpless inside my Neoprene sleepsack

Here a short clip of myself, all helpless in my Neoprene sleepsack! Which was filmed, all way back in August 2013!

If you are “enjoying” these GIFs, please do give this post a like and a comment!!

Now done 13% of Walk 1000 Miles – 2025

That’s me done 13% of the Walk 1000 Miles challenge. So 133.88 miles down and 866.12 miles remaining!

Keep up-to-date with all my cycling and walking adventures over at